My Recent Experience
Since going plant based, my skin had improved a ton. I had a smooth and glowy complexion and was loving it…for the most part. But of course, me being my biggest critic, the large pores in my T-zone always bothered me. I also couldn’t stand the fact that I had a bunch of tiny whiteheads on my chin and blackheads on my nose and the area around it. Once, I went to get a facial and was told I needed to “handle” my “congested skin,” which meant that underneath the top layer of my skin, it was clogged up. That stuck with me. I would often compare my skin to people like Ciara, Adrienne Houghton, or even some random chick who had skin like butter.
I was tired of having textured skin I wanted it completely smooth. So I started to research on YouTube “how to get rid of textured skin” and eventually went to the dermatologist. I was prescribed Doxycycline (pills). I was focused on taking the pills because the dermatologist noted that it would clear up the under layer of my skin and act as an antibacterial agent to clean the inside of my body. Thats all I needed to hear. So I started taking the pills without doing research I mean, the dermatologist never stated that my skin would get worse. I guess I optimistically thought that after taking these pills, I’d wake up a month later with unblemished skin that was smoother than a baby’s bottom.
Yeah…I was WRONG!!! After about two weeks of taking them, I noticed that I started getting bumps ALL OVER my face. Like, there was not a space on my face without a bump. It was TERRIBLE. My skin was destroyed. I looked like a teenager going through puberty for the first time. I was embarrassed and devastated. Bumps, pimples, whiteheads, cysts, you name it. Not to mention, my eczema flared up as well. The purpose of all of this process was to IMPROVE my skin. Maybe that would’ve been the case if I had kept taking them, but that bottle of pills is now in a landfill somewhere. I wasn’t willing to take that risk.
So now on to undoing the damage. Of course after the fact, I remembered that the most important part about better skin was my diet. I was ALREADY doing what I needed to do to improve my skin but I was overly critical and was unrealistically trying to improve my skin. Now, I’d kill to have my skin back to where it was before all of this. But it’ll be a process. I’m currently experiencing multiple scars and dark spots as a result as the bumps are slowly going away. My confidence has definitely been tested throughout this process. At one point I wouldn’t even show my face on FaceTime or zoom meetings because of my skin. I’m having to affirm myself more now than ever when I look in the mirror. This has all taught me to love what I’ve got going on and to stop comparing myself. Trust and believe I will never take another pill for anything that’s not necessary. I’m leaving my skin alone and letting it do what it needs to heal. Lesson: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Really, it’s true that what we eat is our medicine. As I personally work on my skin, I want to share with you some of the foods that I’m consuming that contribute to better skin….
What to Eat and Drink

This seems like a “duh” fact. Cleanse your body by drinking at least half of your body weight in water daily. If you’re like me and it’s hard for you to drink water because you simply don’t like it, get creative! You can infuse your water with fruit and herbs such as lemon and mint so that it’s not so plain. Every morning first thing, I drink an 8oz glass of hot water with the juice of half a lemon squeezed in it. It’s also suggested that drinking 20 oz first thing, so the more the better! If you have another suggestions to make drinking water more desirable, definitely leave a comment below!

The greener, the better. Leafy greens provide many benefits for the body, including the skin. Kale is a good source of vitamins as well as fiber to help the body release toxins and impurities. Also, it helps reduce hyperpigmentation if you’re dealing with scars and dark spots. Try it raw in smoothies or sautéed. Get it in your body however you prefer. Spinach, collard greens, broccoli, are also a great option if kale is not your thing.
Nuts & Seeds

Because nuts such as: almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds all contain Vitamin E and/or selenium. Both Vitamin E and selenium they are very helpful for improving skin. Vitamin E serves an an antioxidant while Selenium protects the skin. Walnuts and chia seeds are great sources of Omega-3 which serves as an anti-inflammatory agent for other skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Don’t go too crazy with them though, nuts tend to have a high fat content.

The focus here is to eat fruit that contain Vitamin C because helps heal blemishes and produces collagen. Lemon is a great source of Vitamin C and works as a great natural bleaching agent for blemishes. Try squeezing fresh lemon juice onto your food or in your beverages. I’d suggest drinking through a straw so that the lemon juice doesn’t have a damaging effect on your teeth. Other sources of Vitamin C include: oranges, berries (blueberries, strawberries), papaya, kiwi, tomatoes.

Many are packed with fiber and is therefore a means to help regulate your blood sugar and prevent blemishes and other problem skin conditions. Great sources of fiber are: carrots, green/leafy veggies (mentioned above), bell peppers, avacado, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, and more. Check out this article for an extended list and the exact amount of fiber each veggie has.

Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are all helpful food options to improve skin. They contain folate, which contributes to firmer skin (wrinkle free).
Thanks for reading! I hope you found the information helpful and that you’ll get the chance to experience improved skin. Be sure to comment your experience!
You’re so very beautiful inside and outside, and I can not be prouder. Your journey is amazing!
I’ve been more health-conscious lately and have been preparing foods that I good for my body. I definitely agree with all of these options and I love cooking kale and spinach in my stew for rice. I also drink a lot of water but I feel like I can work on including more of legumes into my diet. Thanks for the tips! xxx
ALWAYS looking for ways to improve my skin! I definitely don’t feel like it is as clear + smooth as it could be now that I’m WELL beyond my teenage years. 😉 This has inspired me to keep eating healthy, get those vitamins, and get that water throughout the day! Thanks so much for sharing!