Keys to Body Transformation

So many of you are probably like me a few months ago, wanting a major change. Wanting better for yourself. As someone who has recently undergone a lifestyle transformation, I thought I’d share with you what worked for me in my body transformation. I’m no perfect fitness expert, but I hope that you feel encouraged!

Wanting Better!

Transformation starts with the mind. What you think drives what you do. So when you think about your transformation, what is it that comes to mind? It’s easy to look at other people’s transformation and envy the way that they look. Trust me, I’ve been there! But there comes a point where you get tired of looking, envying, and being down on yourself because you’re not where you want to be. For me, turning 30 was my turning point. I made up my mind that had to change. I knew that I didn’t want to continue doing life the same way…treating my body less than what it deserved. Here are a few guiding questions ask to yourself:

What am I wanting to accomplish?

Why am I wanting this change?

How ready am I for change?

How bad do I want a new body?

What will I do to keep going when it’s hard to?

Setting Goal(s)

So, you’ve just asked yourself: “What am I wanting to accomplish?” This is where you’ll want to be specific. For example, you may be wanting to lose weight. But is that an overall body shred or are there specific areas you want to target? For target areas, what are they? What is your target weight? For me, I wanted to lose  12 pounds to reach my target weight. I also knew that I wanted to lose my lower belly fat, get ride of my hip dips, and target the rolls on the back of my thighs. You may also choose to add a time frame to your goal, but be sure to be reasonable. Nobody loses 20 pounds in 2 weeks in a healthy manner. Sorry to break it to you. The truth is that losing 1-2 pounds per week is a healthy rate, and if you want long lasting weightloss, that’s the way to go.  Have a your goals set so that when you begin your plan, you will know exactly what you want to accomplish. 

Making A Plan

Making a plan is always a safe bet. Anything that calls for a major change, should have a plan. This is how you hold yourself accountable. For me in my transformation, it was important to stick to the plan because I am a person who needs high structure to be successful. Having a written plan shows more of a commitment. It shows that you’re serious. It shows that you have discipline. I mean, who sits and makes a plan just not to follow it? We can’t waste time here.


It’s good to research workouts and select them based on the goal(s) you have set. Know when you plan to do them. Schedule time based on what your day looks like. For me, for example, if I don’t work out first thing in the morning it likely won’t happen any other time of the day. It’s also important to know what sources you’ll use (Youtube videos, DVD’s, personal trainer, etc.) for your workouts. Be sure that you do what’s best for your body and do not overdo it. Remember, this transformation is a process. Check out the links below to get access to workout sources I have used.


It is really important to plan what you’ll eat. Again, it’s about being disciplined. If you set your mind on what you will eat for the week, including snacks, you’re in business. As I expressed in my blog post”My Plant Based Journey,” I personally make my own meals, to keep me from temptation and also to save my coins. Check that post out here. I typically plan out two weeks worth of meals, desserts, and snacks. This is because I don’t necessarily know what I’ll want to eat a month out. When you plan, make sure to choose healthy  options. Include greens in every meal. Snack on fruit, veggies, and other snacks that will help you reach your goals. Major tip: don’t eat at night. I personally did not eat after 6 pm at one point. There were times that I was absolutely famished because I had a busy day and did not get the chance to eat. Definitely eat after your cut off time if that happens. It doesn’t help starve your body. Remember, we are trying to be healthy. Be reasonable when it comes to your meal planning. Also, feel free to grab some of my recipes (shameless plug)!

Having Accountability

When making any change, this super important. What does accountability look like to you? It could be having an accountability partner, setting alarms on your phone, scheduling on your calendar or some other method. Whatever this looks like for you, have it planned and ready, because the next step is to Go!


Now that you have fixed your mindset, set your goals, made your plan, and have your accountability, it’s time to put all of that in gear and GO! Keep your eye on the prize. This is not an easy process, but staying focused on why you are going through this transformation will help you stay in the race. You really can do this! I can’t lie, there are days when I I don’t feel like working out (and sometimes I have skipped out shhhh), but after I do, I truly feel better. I feel empowered and fueled for up for the day. Ironically, energy increases when you break a sweat. Stay focused, affirm yourself, be your biggest cheerleader. I hope you are encouraged to make this body transformation happen. Let me know in the comments how your transformation is going or share what keys have worked for you!

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